Initially implemented exclusively in the Paris region, our software dbSQWare has since made its way.
It’s thanks to our users: their trust, loyalty and high standards.
The software is constantly evolving to meet customer needs.
This year, 6 patches have completed and enriched the 2022 version of dbSQWare.
The 7th will be released in a few days while waiting for the 2023 version…


Welcome to Alban Vassallo, our new database administrator!

Alban joined dbSQWare yesterday.
We are very happy with his arrival in the team.

DBMS: Reorganize

An optimized database improves query performance, reduces processing times and reduces resource consumption (CPU, RAM, Storage, etc.). This is why it is essential to maintain an efficient organization of databases.

Hence the need for reorganization when this is not the case.
This task consists of physically reorganizing indexes and/or tables with the aim of optimizing the use of disk space and improving access to data (through their organization), recovering unused disk space, left by deleted records and/or data updates.

The operation to be carried out depends on the degree of dispersion of the index (or table) information in the database (called fragmentation):
– compaction (REORGANIZE or COMPACT) is often necessary for fragmentation between 10 and 30%
– beyond that, a reconstruction (REBUILD) must be carried out.
A “side effect” of rebuilding a table is rebuilding all of its indexes.

In any case, a successful database is a database that is monitored and maintained.


Welcome to Julien Cornand and Ewan Ducouet who started their new alternation yesterday!
Both are in Bachelor 3. Julien is training as a system and network administrator from CESI and Ewan is training as a computer and information systems expert from AIX YNOV CAMPUS.
We are delighted to welcome them to our team.

We also wish a good continuation to 2 of our work-study students, who after a year of apprenticeship at dbSQWare, are leaving for new horizons: Agnès Nagamany, on the international trade side and Ruben Ruiz, on the cybersecurity side.

Good way to all!

Incontournable CIP Avignon

This evening, afterwork “Incontournable Avignon” organized by the CIP – Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée.

Our CEO, Michel Payan will give feedback on the use of design in software design. He will be accompanied by Aurélien Beguet from the Atrioom agency, with whom we collaborated during the redesign of the dbSQWare web interface.

Exchanges, conviviality and networking will be there.
Good Essential to all participants!

VIDEO_EPISODE 4: Customization

Last episode of the dbSQWare saga!

Entitled “Customization”, this new video completes “Backups”, “360° View” and “Automation”.
This 4th episode highlights the ease of use and customization of the software for users who can customize the tool by integrating their own scripts.
In addition, the dbSQWare export and import APIs which allow to promote interactions with other management software (reporting, supervision, mapping, automation).

A big thank you to Damien Dalmasso, our Motion video designer, for his listening, his great imaging and his patience!


The city of Marseille is now a dbSQWare user.

We are very happy to be able to assist the DBAs of the city of Marseille in their daily tasks of operating, managing and maintaining the databases.

Thank you for your trust !

COTER NUMERIQUE: Working group

Michel Payan, our CEO, will be present at the COTER NUMERIQUE working group on September 15, 2022, at the Novotel Paris Center Bercy.
The event, which will begin at 9:30 a.m., will be punctuated by the intervention of different local authorities in the form of feedback with 20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of questions/answers.

Between 10:15 am and 10:45 am, the city of Chelles will give its feedback on the use of dbSQWare with the intervention of Geoffrey Dunglas, accompanied by Michel.

A big thank you to the city of Chelles for its trust and recognition.
Good event to all participants!

VIDEO_EPISODE 3: Automation

And 3…
After “Backups” and “360° view”, here is the 3rd episode of the dbSQWare saga!
Entitled “Automation”, this new video presents the interest of using dbSQWare on a daily basis to simplify recurring operating operations, gain autonomy and facilitate collaborative work, by automating tasks.

Many thanks to Damien Dalmasso for his great job as Video Motion designer.

To be continued in the next episode…

VIDEO_EPISODE 2 : 360° view

New dbSQWare episode to discover!

In a format identical to the first episode (on the backups), this one has the advantage of using dbSQWare to follow the evolution of its databases.
Indeed, the software’s web interface offers a 360° view of all the DBMSs. Thanks to its indicators, it allows to have a global vision, but also granular via a Top-Down approach.

Thank you Damien Dalmasso for making this new video.
Looking forward to the next ones!