The Paris Fire Brigade (BSPP) and the Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS 13) have adopted dbSQWare.

With these 2 new collaborations, a new profession opens its doors to us: that of firefighters.
Responsible for the prevention, protection and fight against fire, firefighters also fulfill the missions of protection and rescue of people, prevention, protection and fight against accidents and disasters.

We are very happy that they have placed their trust in us and that our software can help them in their daily tasks of managing and maintaining their database.
Risk prevention, security and anticipation are part of the specific features of our software and the requirements that we share with them.

IT & IT Security Meetings 2021

Tonight, the IT and IT Security Meetings will begin with a dinner between top decision makers and exhibitors.
The following 2 days will take place at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in Cannes. They will be punctuated by one-to-one meetings and discussions within the show.

Michel Payan and Séverine Payan from the dbSQWare team will be present, for this IT event, on stand A15.

The opportunity to discuss database engines, their management, their issues and to present our software dedicated to the management and maintenance of DBMS.


dbSQWare is DBMS operation and maintenance software.
Constantly evolving for 15 years, it is able to operate and maintain, in a completely homogeneous manner, 11 types of database engines (Relational & amp; NoSQL).

Its main functions are:
– copying of environments
– backup and restore
– reorganization
– the Statistics update
– the dashboard / 360 ° vision
– customization

Very flexible, dbSQWare adapts to all businesses, regardless of their size and activity.

To discuss the subject, you will be able to meet our leaders, Michel Payan and Séverine Payan, at the IT and IT Security Meetings fair to be held at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in Cannes, on September 1 and 2.
See you on stand A15!


A little summer break …
Thank you to Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée – CIP for its nice bath towel!

Have a nice summer everyone.

Partner of the YEAR Award

It is with great pride that the dbSQWare team received the Partner of the Year award, on the occasion of the festive evening organized by the Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée – CIP.
Thank you to you, organizers of the Club, for this great reward and a big bravo for the course, without fail, of this pleasant evening which you made us live!
Friendliness, good humor and exchanges were at the rendezvous.

Congratulations also to the other winners: Denis ROUX for the IT decision maker of the year award and Dominique Lopez for the office Coup de Coeur award!

Can’t wait for the next event!


Festive evening organized by the Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée – CIP, this evening, at the Terrasses du Port in Marseille.

dbSQWare, sponsor of the CIP, will take part with great pleasure in this exceptional event, in this unique setting.
Theme of the evening: “Cruise” … Atmosphere guaranteed!

Bravo to the members of the CIP for the organization and good evening to all the participants!


The dbSQWare team wishes you a wonderful summer 2021.

May it bring you warmth, energy and enthusiasm to carry out your personal and professional projects!


After a Try & Buy for 3 months, Compass Group France has definitively adopted dbSQWare to manage and maintain its database.
With this new collaboration, a new sector of activity opens its doors to us: catering.

Compass Group France is one of the leaders in contract catering, with nearly 165 million meals served each year in companies and administrations, the fields of health and medico-social, education, the defense sector. and events.

We are very happy with this new collaboration.


As a sponsor of Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée – CIP, dbSQWare has its own stand in the Club’s new virtual space.

Online since March 25, the virtual CIP is a place of digital exchange between decision-makers and IT partners, accessible all year round, 24 hours a day.
The opportunity for all IT players in the PACA region to share and communicate both by browsing the various stands offered and during events organized by CIPMed.

Do not hesitate to register to participate in this extraordinary show .
Good discovery to all!

IT & IT Security Meetings 2021

The IT & IT Security Meetings exhibition, initially scheduled for May 26 and 27, has been postponed to September 1 and 2, 2021.

The members of our team will therefore meet you at the start of the school year, at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in Cannes, for this one to one show, dedicated to IT and security professionals.
They will present you dbSQWare, the unique software dedicated to the management and maintenance of DBMSs and will answer all your questions on our stand!