CIP Network Show

The CIP Network Show is today!
The dbSQWare team is waiting for you at the Orange Vélodrome in Marseille, on stand H5, to discuss during this unprecedented business event, organized by the Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée – CIP.

CRIP 2020

New change of dates for the CRIP annual convention, originally scheduled for June 3 and 4.
It will finally take place on October 12 and 13, 2020.
The members of our team will meet you at the Grande Arche de la Défense for this event organized by the Club of IT, Technology and IT Production Managers.
They will present dbSQWare, our software dedicated to the management and maintenance of DBMS and will answer all your questions on stand 204.


The 2020 version of dbSQWare offers a new graphical interface to its users.
Completely redesigned and updated, it is now much more fluid and intuitive.
You can consult it on our demo site and choose your connection profile by following the instructions in the tooltip (i).
Then, all you have to do is navigate …

Demo on:

Incontournable CIP

Virtual Incontournable CIPMed, Monday evening at 6 p.m., dedicated to the management of multi-DBMS parks.
For the occasion, Michel Payan will present the constraints linked to the operation of this type of computer park.
A virtual aperitif will follow between all the participants.
Good evening to all !


The CRIP annual convention, originally scheduled for June 3 and 4, has been postponed to September 10 and 11, 2020.
The members of our team therefore give you an appointment at the start of the school year, for this event organized at the Grande Arche de la Défense, by the Club of IT, Technology and Production Managers.
They will introduce you to dbSQWare, the unique software dedicated to the management and maintenance of DBMS and will answer all your questions on stand 204!


The version 2020.01 of dbSQWare which has just been released, presents many new features.
Completely redesigned, the software now offers a much lighter, fluid and intuitive graphical interface.
Many features have been added, such as:
– the choice of navigation language
– cvs, pdf and excel exports on filtered and sorted data from reporting tables
– management of access rights on menus
– asynchronous feedback of indicators
– encryption and decryption of connection files
Without forgetting that dbSQWare is the only DBMS management and maintenance software, capable of managing in a homogeneous way, 11 different types of database engines, thus offering to its users, a similar approach and vision, whatever the DBMS concerned.